Managing and adjusting multi-currency exchange rates daily can be time-consuming and subject to human error.
The usual steps are searching for the official exchange rate list of the National Bank of Serbia and then entering the data manually in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. In case of data-entering errors, it takes a lot of time to find and correct them.
Entering partner bank accounts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for new partners or making changes for existing ones requires only a few steps and manual entry for each one of them.
For each partner, it is necessary to search the unique register of accounts on the website of the National Bank of Serbia and enter the data into the system for the selected partner.
Our application relies on the web service of the National Bank of Serbia to update all exchange rates published by the National Bank of Serbia.

Advantages and functionalities:
- It saves time and eliminates the possibility of human error
- You can do all this within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
- A simple user interface that gives you the ability to select the type of data you want to download
- The possibility of importing partner data (company name, address, city, country (region), postal code, etc.)
- The possibility of importing bank accounts for one or more partners